Top 10 Tips for Phone Interviews
Phone interviews are a crucial first step in the hiring process. The purpose of a phone interview is to narrow down the pool of candidates who will be invited to in-person interviews. Below are tips to make sure you are prepared on how to best present yourself in hope of being chosen to move on to an on-site interview. A phone interview should not be taken lightly since a phone screen is a prerequisite for a face-to-face meeting.

1. Preparation is key. Before your interview, prepare a list of answers to typical phone interview questions. Be prepared to talk about your background and skills, create a short list of questions to ask the interviewer at the end of the interview.

2. Keep your resume and notes in clear view so you can reference them during the interview. It is also useful to have a piece of paper and a pen handy to take notes about the position or to jot down answers to your questions.

3. If possible, try to use a land line to avoid a dropped call or phone static.

4. Rehearse interviewing and speaking in a professional manner. Try to avoid using filler words such as 'um', 'ah', 'er', and 'like'.

5. Make sure you are in a quiet place with minimal distractions. If you have kids or pets, try to conduct the interview in a different room. Ignore all other calls and silence all ring tones and alarms.

6. Don’t chew gum or food while talking and keep water handy in case your voice gets dry.

7. Remember to smile. When you're smiling, the tone of your voice will be more positive and pleasing to the interviewer.

8. Speak slowly and enunciate your answers clearly.

9. Stand up while speaking so that your voice conveys a stronger tone. Also, consider dressing up as you would for an in-person interview to boost your confidence and to project a professional attitude.

10. Remember to say thank you at the end of the interview, and to reiterate your desire to take the next step in the interviewing process.