Building Success Through Strong Networking
Building relationships, getting involved, letting other people know about what you have to offer and developing a network is very important to your professional development. . Networking does not occur easily for A LOT of people, despite how it might look. Keep in mind, you need to do what is right (and comfortable) for YOU.

So here are some suggestions that I hope will be useful to you, despite the "why’s and what ifs".

• Be authentic. Be yourself. Don’t be concerned about what others might think (we know that is sometimes difficult, but you owe yourself to try it). Be real. Don’t try to be the "want to be" you. Let people see, and get to know you.

• Know what you have to offer. Begin conversations with people and tell them what you have to offer. Be bold! Be fearless! Speak intelligently and have interesting things to say (about you, your profession, current events etc).

• Have a 30-second elevator speech ready. This is a quick marketing response for the question most often asked (but often not taken advantage of), "what do you do for a living?"” Your response to this question needs to clearly describe what you can do for an employer and that you are currently seeking career opportunities. Remember, you are currently in a selling position, and you are the product. Why should someone hire you? What do you offer that others don’t? As an executive, what successes have you had?

• Avoid closed-ended questions. Seek to get the other person to talk and then really listen. Instead of asking, "Do you know anyone who…?" ask, "Whom do you know that…?" This will allow for discussion and problem solving instead of a one word negative response that stops conversation.

• Use active listening skills. When the other person is talking, do not be considering your response in your head. Instead, just listen! Look into the speaker’s eyes and give verbal and nonverbal clues that you are listening and understanding.

• How about calling someone that you do know and invite them to go with you? That way at least you will know 1 person and you won’t be alone. Make a plan with them to meet 2 or 3 new folks. Make it into a game. "You meet 2 and I will meet 2...that way we can introduce each others 2 and know 4". And check in with each other. Support each other and then reward yourself for going to an event and meeting new people!

• If you are not comfortable with large events, try starting off with some smaller networking opportunities. Maybe it means getting involved with an association or group of folks where you can be on a council or committee. They tend to have smaller, more intimate meetings. Get to know some folks that way, so that when you do go to the larger events, you already know people.

• Whatever you do, don’t come across pushy. People sense desperation and neediness. It doesn’t work and doesn’t engage people. Don’t be overly aggressive, follow people around and just talk incessantly about what you have to offer. And please, please. Don’t just walk around passing your business cards out. This is NOT about how many cards you can pass out. It’s about developing relationships with people.

Here is a tip to also keep in mind. Great networkers not only go to events (small or large) to promote themselves. They also go to contribute something to the people they meet. Be sure to know what you can contribute and listen to what they need. Just as you might be going to an event for additional contacts, they might be as well. Perhaps you have a great contact for them. Maybe you know of someone that can help them solve their problem. Share your information with them as well. Consider how you might help others you meet. The old adage, "what goes around, comes around" has proven to be true. You may not get immediate help, but others will remember that you helped them and will talk well about you. Your reputation will grow and others will seek you out to help make connections and get information. Without a doubt, they will know whom to call when they discover your perfect job.

And most important, have fun! Look at it as a great way to meet new people, engage in conversations and to be passionate about who you are and what you have to offer. Set a goal, have fun with it. Challenge yourself. Yes, it might be uncomfortable. And yes, you might not have answers to ALL the "what ifs" before going into the room. But you know what??? After doing this, you will know more about yourself and what you have to offer. And what a wonderful gift that can be.

All the best, now...just go do it!!!